Nursing is one of the noblest profession, which occupies the largest bulk of the health care force. Universal Nursing College (UNC) has been established with an intention to produce Nursing Graduates, capable to provide quality health care service to the people of Bangladesh. It was decided that Nursing College will be non-profitable and will produce quality Nurses.
Universal Nursing College, earlier known as Nursing Institute, approved by Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery council since December 2013.
In January 2019 the nursing institute was upgraded to Graduate Nursing College, later on Post-Graduate Nursing College approved by Bangladesh Government, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and affiliated by BNMC & Dhaka University.

A Nursing Career starts with an insight of you and your role as a healthcare professional. It gives you a prestigious, secure and well paid career. Nonetheless, it is equally stressful and not….Read More
Universal Nursing College (UNC) is one of the finest private Nursing College in the Dhaka City. As the FounderPrincipal of this college, it is really a matter of great satisfaction for me to be one of the….Read More
Education is the soul of society as it passes from one generation to another and it can be acquired through simple and humble attitude with great respect to teachers. Nothing more simple….Read More
It is my great pleasure for me to let you know about the Universal Nursing College which is situated at the opposite site of North City Corporation, Mohakhali, Dhaka. It is a centre point….Read More
Universal Nursing College (UNC) earlier known as Universal Nursing Institute recognized by Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery council since December 2013. In January 2019 the nursing….Read More