Message from the VC
It is my great pleasure for me to let you know about the Universal Nursing College which is situated at the opposite site of North City Corporation, Mohakhali, Dhaka. It is a centre point of Dhaka City. The nursing course is very important faculty in the field of medical sciences which ensures together health and well being of the people. I am glad to be involved with the nursing College since its beginning. | would like to express my modest gratitude with cordial thank from the core of my heart and best wishes to all. Universal Nursing College brings together a state-of-the-art infrastructure, modern technology and very dedicated faculties to provide teaching in a compassionate environment. A number of talented, skilled and dedicated medical faculties and other staffs are working and putting their highest effort to deliver high quality of medical education to meet their greatest potential both academically and behaviorally, along with being fully prepared for success in student life and in their career. One of our major goals is to train the next generation leaders for nursing field. As a Founder Representative of UNC, I am trying my best to evolve this college into the one that will set a benchmark for itself and also enrich the quality of health sciences in this country. The collaboration with the staff, students, families, and community members at UNC creates a culture that promotes the philosophy of life-long learning. As a Vice Chairman of UMCH, | am excited to support your children in preparing our students at UNC for success.